One of our regular activities is auditing and inspecting on behalf of Clients. The level of audit and inspection will vary from Client to Client as this is one of the areas where we develop the actual audit paperwork to match the specific needs of the Client. We are currently auditing and inspecting workplaces in the following areas:
- Schools
- Soft Fruit Farming
- Top Fruit Farming
- Care Homes
- Petrol Stations
- Food Production
- 3rd Level Colleges
- Multi Storey Office environments
- Shopping Centres
- Car component factories
For Clients where we are managing the H&S Function on a regular basis we always begin with an in depth audit in order to find any gaps and develop an improvement plan. If you would like to discuss any aspect of Auditing and Inspection with us please call or drop us a line. Below is a sample of an audit document developed to measure compliance with the 2007 General Application Regulations.
Click here to view a sample of the audit for 2007 Regulation Compliance